pics from the tirp

pics from the tirp

Monday, April 19, 2010

its summer in Tansen

sorry for the delay in our postings. we have had difficulty with internet access for some time. Also won't be able to post any pictures this round. Since I last wrote, we have continued to be busy with work and minsitries. Laurie and Amber are helping teach english to younger children in a program here, as well as helping with therapeutic play sessions with children in the hospital.
This cheers the children and helps with their appetites as well. Laurie is also teaching good food preparation practices and sanitation in the kitchen to several groups, and has given lectures on nutrition to nursing students. This week she will also serve as a registration hostess at a Christian health workers conference scheduled to begin in Tansen tomorrow. Lots of people in health care from Asia will be coming, and some pretty dedicated and incredible people are staying in the Guest House where we live , and have met some of them personally. We have new friends here from UK and from Sweden, a talented pediatric orthopedic surgeon who is doing lots of bone work in the hospital. We have been able to do some local hiking and seen the more typical villages and houses on our walks, and an older ( 150yr) mansion built by a former
nepalese royalty on a river in a beautiful setting . It has been dusty and smoky and warm, so mountain views have been scarce. Water is becoming more scarce, and people are looking forward to the rains. Laurie and I have taken some Nepali language lessons, and know a few words and phrases. Amber keeps happy with reading and visiting with guests that stay in the guest house. She even can find Pringles here! Thanks to all of you who support us with your work at the hospital, at farmworkers clinic, church, and home. Have a good week.
Love from all of us , Mark

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